Water Droplets

CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionWaterDropletFlower CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionWaterDropletFlower2 CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionWaterDropletLeaves CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionWaterDropletStick

Here’s a definite, fun new way to do a fish-eye effect. All of these were shot on my Canon T4i, using a 31mm Macro Tube and a 75-300mm lens. Since the macro tube doesn’t allow as much light through, I also had to use a small, LED light (you can actually see a bit of its reflection in some of the water droplets!).

When it comes to editing plants, I love color. Even though I already boosted my sats in my camera settings, I bumped them all up a little more in editing to bring out the vibrant color of each plant. I also sharpened a few of them as well as added a vignette.

Flora & Fauna

CarmenMckellarMediaProductionLadybug CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionLadybugFlowerFloraFauna CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionLadybugWet CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionLadybugSaturated


For all of these pictures, I used a 31mm macro tube with my 75-300mm Canon lens. These were all shot in the greenhouse at the BYU-Idaho Benson building. All I used for lightning was a simple, dimable LED lamp held in close proximity to my subjects.

As far as editing goes, I tried to get a variety of techniques. I first added a little contrast and brightened a few pics up. I then messed around with the color settings to see what I could get. For the black and white, with the splash of ladybug-red, I simply boosted the saturation and took down the vibrance. I thought it was a pretty cool effect.

Graduate Photo Shoot



For this photo shoot, we were given about a half hour and a handful of models to take mock graduation pictures. Due to the time restraint, I wasn’t able to stray too far from the Spori building at the BYU-Idaho campus. But I had some places in mind to start.

I had one shot in mind coming into this assignment. Thankfully, Shane was my lucky model (seen in the first photo) and gave me the shot I was looking for. It was taken in a small locker room on the top floor of the Spori.

Even though we had lighting kits, I wanted to see what I could do with natural lighting. Using the sun and smart angling, I was able to capture a good, soft lighting on my models’ faces. It was a nice, cloudy day, which made diffusing the light easy.

Photo Book

This was a fun final assignment. I wanted to create a simple, yet fun coffee table book and so I went super basic with the design. (It didn’t help that I had a hundred other assignments to finish at the same time.) In the end, I really wanted to showcase some of my best work in a nice format. Since I felt all of my pictures had a different style, each page was assigned its own color, using a similar design to tie everything together.

This was a great assignment because I now really want to create another photo book with my wedding photos and now I know the process and printing quality of the books.

Carmen McKellar Photobook

Photo Contest

HangingFlower; Jan 29, 2014; 11:55am; Rexburg ID; f29; 1/40; Canon Rebel T4i

HangingFlower; Jan 29, 2014; 11:55am; Rexburg ID; f29; 1/40; Canon Rebel T4i

Suburban Sunset; Jan 27, 2014; 6:21pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f18; 1/4,000; Canon Rebel T4i

Suburban Sunset; Jan 27, 2014; 6:21pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f18; 1/4,000; Canon Rebel T4i

Jan 23, 2014; 4:50pm; Rexburg, ID; Canon Rebel T4i

Jan 23, 2014; 4:50pm; Rexburg, ID; Canon Rebel T4i


I was able to submit these photos into a pretty fun contest about reasons to love Idaho. It’s open to anyone, professional or ammeter, and it’s an ongoing contest. All you have to do is upload the photo with your name and some info and you’re in.


Bannack – Best

Emma's Boots; Feb 8, 2014; 1:34pm; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/40; Canon Rebel T4i

Emma’s Boots; Feb 8, 2014; 1:34pm; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/40; Canon Rebel T4i

Emma Portrait 3; Feb 8,2014; 1:28pm; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/80; Canon Rebel T4i

Emma Portrait 3; Feb 8,2014; 1:28pm; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/80; Canon Rebel T4i

EmmaPortrait 4; Feb 8, 2014; 1:35pm; Bannack MT; 5; 1/400; Canon Rebel T4i

EmmaPortrait 4; Feb 8, 2014; 1:35pm; Bannack MT; 5; 1/400; Canon Rebel T4i

Door Knob; Feb 8, 2014; 1:35pm; Bannack; MT; 4.5; 1/50; Canon Rebel T4i

Door Knob; Feb 8, 2014; 1:35pm; Bannack; MT; 4.5; 1/50; Canon Rebel T4i

Emma Portrait 5; Feb 8,2014; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/15; Canon Rebel T4i

Emma Portrait 5; Feb 8,2014; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/15; Canon Rebel T4i

I don’t know if these are my best, but they are most certainly some of my favorites. I did basic editing on all of them, adding vignettes and clarity. Obviously, I turned one to black and white and another into sepia.





Bannack -HDR

School House; Feb 8, 2014; 2:21pm; Bannack MT; 5; 1/4000; Canon Rebel T4i

School House; Feb 8, 2014; 2:21pm; Bannack MT; 5; 1/4000; Canon Rebel T4i

School House; Feb 8, 2014; 2:21pm; Bannack MT; 22; 1/100; Canon Rebel T4i

School House; Feb 8, 2014; 2:21pm; Bannack MT; 22; 1/100; Canon Rebel T4i

School House; Feb 8, 2014; 2:21pm; Bannack MT; 22; 1/1600; Canon Rebel T4i

School House; Feb 8, 2014; 2:21pm; Bannack MT; 22; 1/1600; Canon Rebel T4i


Red House; Feb 8, 2014; 1:52pm; Bannack, MT; 4.5; 1/4000; Canon Rebel T4i

Red House; Feb 8, 2014; 1:52pm; Bannack, MT; 4.5; 1/4000; Canon Rebel T4i



Photomatrix is pretty much amazing. For the first shot, I had to use a tripod to make sure the images were exact. The second was handheld. After Photomatrixing the images, I added a nice vignette.




Bannack – Macro Abstract

Steve; Feb, 8, 2014; 3:06pm; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/80

Steve; Feb, 8, 2014; 3:06pm; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/80

Wall; Feb 8, 2014; 1:32pm; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/100; Canon Rebel T4i

Wall; Feb 8, 2014; 1:32pm; Bannack, MT; 5.6; 1/100; Canon Rebel T4i


This is the mouse whom I lovingly named Steve. We were in the warming hut toward the end of our visit. We could no longer feel our fingers our toes. This little guy was just wandering around our feet. Emma picked him up and he immediately loved her warm, fuzzy gloves. For this one, I did a simple blend between the two photos and added a vignette.