Jackson Hole

CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionMormon-BarnCarmenMcKellarMediaProductionJackonWyomingAntlersCarmenMcKellarMediaProductionBuffaloJacksonHoleWyoming CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionTetonsJacksonWyomingChipmonk


My favorite in this series is the water shot at Mormon Barn. Getting smooth rapids like that is a pretty easy trick. With your camera on a tripod, all you need to do is slow your shutter speed. I like it at about 1 second. Thats enough to get the fast moving water to smooth out a little but still keep the clarity of everything else.

As far as editing goes, there were quite a few people in the shot that I had to clone out.  After that, I boosted the colors a bit, (dreary day) and added some clarity. All that’s left is my water mark and Tada!

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