Still Life

CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionFlowerMacroCarmenMcKellarMediaProductionMacroFlowerCarmenMcKellarMediaProductionPricklyStickCarmenMcKellarMediaProdctionRedFlowerStillLifeFlora CarmenMcKellarMediaProductionStillLifeRedFlower


I love these flowers. The colors are magnificent. As far as the coloring goes, both of these pictures are relatively straight out of the camera. I sharpened them a tich and added my watermark, of course, but other than that…

Its really easy to get great pictures right from your camera. I use a Canon T4i and in it, I can change the color settings. I upped my sats and boosted my contrast, in camera, and I’ve noticed a huge difference. Primarily of which, I don’t have to edit as much any more.

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